Friday, February 19, 2010

Spotting In Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms Miscarry Without Bleeding? Is It Possible?

Miscarry without bleeding? Is it possible? - spotting in pregnancy more condition_symptoms

I was bleeding a little too early in pregnancy ... several places something ... was not difficult at all.

I always have these thoughts that I would have had a miscarriage ... not because "anything goes" or had a bleeding ... but only an idea that remained on the back of the head.

I have not seen a doctor yet, but I intend to make my appointment on Monday. In the 10 weeks. This is my pregnancy, 4 ... and if successful this will be my 2nd Baby.

If one had a miscarriage, and nothing happens, or if you / heavy bleeding? How long have you been?

More ... the only thing I think that abortion is in order, is the fact that, before we moved felt (8 days) pregnant, I was much more thaNo, I am now. I felt sick every morning when I woke up ..... I felt more symptoms than I do now. Is this a sign?

Probably I'm a little paranoid ... but I need your advice and girls would be grateful if you could share your experiences.

Thank you in advance.


jen said...

Have you recently tested a new pregnancy? If you had an abortion, would be negative. Normally, you would like a normal period (not necessarily the same duration in days, though), or a little heavier bleeding, if an abortion in early pregnancy. I do not think that the position would be sufficient. There are conditions under which women, if you should consult a physician for the excess tissue that not, is why do not realize that it could actually be an abortion.

They have not one at all, but only concerned / with the idea because of past deals losses.

I like to make it a pregnancy test just to allay fears.

Best of luck.

NurseGrl said...

As I am 15, I was pregnant and had stains around the 6th Week. Then, slowly, the symptoms that I am better than ever before. I knew in my heart that I lost and I did not even bleed, I'd go to a D & C. Every woman is different, so keep a positive attitude. You should see your doc check your HCG to ensure that it is relatively high. Good luck and God bless.

miss diaz said...

I had 2 miscarriages. My first bleeding a lot and goes a little something. The bleeding lasts for only about 2 days, but it was really hard. The 2nd, I bleed a little and nothing happens. But immediately after my time was difficult veryyyy.

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