Friday, February 26, 2010

Groper Japan English Grammar Check?

English grammar check? - groper japan

I'm studying English. I wrote a speech for a class.
Thank you!

Given the role of women only carriages.

I am the woman with the train only for cars.
It seems, especially during rush hour in the morning
Groper feet, because they are less likely to do bad things.
Many women were molestered loaded onto trains, the authority
Consequently, women appear only carriages.
Most men who have spoken, agree with this idea.
That is, they fear, is falsely accused of fondling
If you rub a woman in a crowded train.
One of my knowledge, "said the man, who has already experienced
the same situation as before and was of fear, angerWhen playing a woman.
I do not know exactly what the education of women, only cars brought to us.
I did not start the bad manners of many women in these cars.
They put on makeup, playing Walkman strong
and even talking about a cell phone if I am on the train a few days ago.
I think because these women wagons
began to think that they are somehow privileged than others.
I think people should be men, wagons, and only make
So that these uneducated women to know what to expect.
In general, the cultures on the first ladies and Westren East, which are "not.
This could be a sex discrimination
If womem privilege only in a case like this.
We should also consider introducingMen, now only cars
because it can play an important role
that the structure of society, the future of Japan.


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